Дайвинг на Тенерифе

Веселое и по-настоящему незабываемое впечатление с Гейдре и Энрике

(+34) 617 838 780

(+34) 617 838 780

Дайвинг с Гейдре и Энрике на Тенерифе

Два опытных инструктора PADI предлагают круглогодичную помощь вобучении и организации дайвинга в одном из красивейших местТенерифе – Лос Кристианос. Собираетесь ли вы нырять впервые,хотите пройти один из курсов PADI, либо Вы уже опытный дайвер – мыуверены, что сможем сделать Ваши погружения незабываемыми.12­летний собственный опыт, сотни благодарных учеников – вот то, чтопозволяет нам быть уверенными, что Ваши погружения будуткомфортными, незабываемыми и безопасными. Дружелюбная иискренняя атмосфера, а так же индивидуальный подход к каждомугарантированы. Наша лодка пришвартована в порту Лос Кристианос, Тенерифе, в 3­хминутах езды от дайв­центра, расположенного по адресу Calle Finlandia,Los Cristianos напротив здания Atlantico. Дайв­центр имеет всенеобходимое оснащение – оборудование и одежду различныхразмеров, душ и туалет, зону отдыха, автобус­шаттл для проезда впорт.

Лос­-Кристианос, Тенерифе

Бывшая рыбацкая деревушка, Лос Кристианос сегодня один изосновных туристических центров на юге острова Тенерифе. Здесь естьвсе, чтобы сделать отдых незабываемым: круглогодичныйвеликолепный солнечный климат, умеренная температура и редкиедожди; песчаные пляжи, комфортабельные отели и апартаменты,развлечения на любой вкус, традиционная Канарскаяинтернациональная кухни. Расположенные посреди Атлантическогоокеана, прибрежные воды острова полны морских обитателей: скаты,морские коньки, мурены, киты, дельфины, черепахи – вот далеконеполный перечень удивительных морских чудес, который делаетзанятия дайвингом незабываемыми и заставляет возвращаться сюдавновь и вновь.


  •   Wonderful first time diving experience! Thanks you so much Giedre and Enrique for the great experience!!!

    thumb Kurulis

      What a brilliant place to learn to dive. I have been diving twice prior to today. But this was by far the best experience I have had. Giedre and Enrique and the staff look after you from start to finish. Very very welcoming. Well worth...More

    thumb rachelv983
  •   Giedrė and Enrique are wonderful people, great professionals, very attentive instructors, and also very hospitable, cheerful, good emotional people. It was an impressive experience for me. I already know what the next vacation will be 🙂 Next time I go to get a diver license.

    thumb dariuspet

      Staff really friendly, been diving with Giedre. She been amazing instructor highly recomend 👍 if you got spare couple hours diving its definatly a thing to do while in Tenerife

    thumb Normantas B
  •   An amazing experience from start to finish. Giedre and Enrique collect from our hotel and explain everything in great detail. U would recommend them to anyone especially beginners (even those with minimum swimming skills) It was an amazing service and will never forget my 27th...More

    thumb berniee24

      My partner and I had a fantastic time with Giedre on our first scuba diving experience. We signed up for the try dive which included a 45 minute dive from the nearby beach. There was plenty to see at 5m depth and we felt in...More

    thumb Rachael C
  •   Big thank you guys! Super!!! 100% recommended, big thanks for Giedre end Enrique !!! Labai patiko rekomenduoju visiems!

    thumb Viktorija R

      Very warm people! I felt like a todler, taken care of by a grown up. The instructors were sensitive to all signs of discomfort and constantly checking you while diving. So highly recommeded if it’s your first time diving. The underwater fauna was not too...More

    thumb Reda T
  •   This is the most exited my experience. Highly recommend to all. As I dived for the first time in my life, I would say it caught me and I am planning to come back to do 4 days course diving with such professional instructors as...More

    thumb 589mindy

      Me and my family dived with Giedre & Enrique and it was one of our best experience during our vacation. We have never dived before and they were very professional and made us feel safe the entire time. They are so nice and friendly which...More

    thumb gardarvalur
  •   Highly recommend it! It was our first time, and now we just want more and more. Giedre was so caring and nice to us, everything explained perfectly, we also had a laugh and it was all just really really great. looking forward for the next...More

    thumb Karel F

      We did two dives with Giedre&Enrique was super relaxed and fun. One of the best experiences we had in Tenerife. Recommended for everyone.

    thumb Rasa S
  •   Professional, friendly, responsable divers Giedre and Enrique will shows you the best places under the water. Diving with them always gives you a good mood. Diving school is located in comfortable area not dificult to find it. Staff, and equipment totaly perfect. Must say many...More

    thumb Vytautas M

      First time diving. Excellent teaching and diving skills, friendly staff, good price, fantastic views.

    thumb zilvinasv2020
  •   We had an amazing experience with Giedre! I never dived before, so it was a little scary for me at first, but Giedre gave us clear instructions and was very helpful. Highly recommend!

    thumb Živilė D

      Me and my wife were very afraid to dive but still decided to try it here. Giedre was the best coach. Explained everything about diving and calmed us down. If you are afraid to do the first dive in your life, this is the place...More

    thumb Roam792005
  •   Giedre & Enrique Diving Los Cristianos Best adventure of my life 608741164 First of all milion times thank you Giedre.She is a fantastic person and best instructor in whole world! This dive was unforgettable!!!Once again thank you Giedre for fantastic time.

    thumb Nerijus Č

      What a great trip from start to finish, this was our first dive and everything was explained clearly and calmly before leaving the dive centre. Giedre and Enrique were perfect instructors, stayed with us the whole time and made us feel so at ease. See...More

    thumb Homanizer
  •   This was the most amazing experience during my holiday in Tenerife, it was my first time diving and Giedre explained all to me and was with me every step of the way. I saw a lot of colourful fish and she took lovely pictures also....More

    thumb lisanz02

      We did Try dive with our 3 teenage daughters and had a wonderful time. We would gladly do it again. I'm afraid of water but Giedre held my hand all along and it was fantastic. The pictures and video were excellent. We highly recommend.

    thumb mch7735